Fire Duty Mitts | Update

Fire Duty Mitts | Update


As of January 16, 2024 the anticipated delivery period of the Fire Duty and Extrication Mitts has now been pushed out to March, 2024 (was February). 

Shipping dates are still subject to further delays and alterations as of the current moment. We don't expect any further delays to occur for the foreseeable future and we're looking to start shipping these gloves out ASAP once they arrive to the shop!


An unexpected material supply issue has required the shipping delay of our gloves by a full month out. No need to worry though - The issue is short term and is already being resolved at this time. 

Keep an eye out for the gloves come March and check out our social media accounts often for any major news/updates regarding them moving forward. Our sizing guide is still in the works and will be available to view on the website once the gloves arrive.