Modifications Explained


Deep suspension is a modified replacement of your helmets suspension webbing. The entire suspension system is an adjustable webbing that allows you to tweak how high or low you want the helmet to sit on top your head.

Deep suspension is one of our most popular helmet modifications and is usually recommended for those looking for a lower and more comfortable fit, especial when not using a helmet ratchet.

It can be easily adjusted by hand with or without a liner installed, and is made out of 100% Nomex® fabric and thread, and paired with heat resistant velcro.



Liner modifications are physical alterations to your earflaps. These modifications are made to help achieve a better fit when your flaps are folded in and to imitate the classic look and feel of helmet liners from the past.

- Cut Down: Shortens your earflaps to 4, ½” in length as opposed to the usual factory length of 6”. This lets your earflaps lay more flat against your head, prevents extra fabric from bulking up, and gives you room for the helmet to sit deeper.

- Thin Out: Removes a single inner layer of fabric from your earflaps, creating a two-ply material rather than the three-ply factory material. This lightens your liner, makes it faster to break in, and closer mimics the feel of old school helmet liners.

- Sew Together: New-style liners have a partially detachable segment in the fabric which allows you to remove it while keeping your ratchet installed. Sewing your liner together closes that segment in the fabric, converts your liner to a full piece, and prevents it from accidentally opening when donning / doffing your helmet.




Helmets that come with a ratchet strap are mounted with two small black plastic tabs and two small clear plastic clips. In the event that your ratchet tabs / clips break off, we can reinstall your ratchet by drilling through the base of the dome, and remounting it with a set of Chicago screws.

While this method is a much more "heavy duty" form of repair, you can still remove / replace your ratchet strap if needed.



Particular helmet models can have their fitment system entirely modified to the kind that is used in traditional leather fire helmets like the Cairns N5A / N6A. We'll remove the stock liner or insert used in your helmet, and in place of it, install a brass sizing ring with a traditional helmet liner, deep suspension, and chinstrap clips.

As of now, the only helmets compatible with the brass ring conversion are the Phenix TL-2, TC1, Cairns 880, 1010, 1044, and the Morning Pride® BEN 2



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